Dreamscaper – Dream Roguelite – No Commentary Gameplay – IDC Plays

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Dreams are double-edged swords: one moment we may be reliving a beautiful memory or imagining a future with the person we love, and the next we appear in a giant dark room filled with our worst fears and insecurities, which are likely to haunt us for the rest of the day.

The question is: Can you imagine if, despite everything, these dreams could help us to overcome various traumas or fears by facing them in a world that only exists in our head? This is something that Dreamscaper is addressing in its interesting roguelite experience, which undoubtedly has quite a few positive points in its favour.

In this adventure we will play Cassidy, a young girl who must slowly learn not only to overcome her fears and insecurities, but also to start interacting with the world around her, in order to become stronger and complete her journey. Part of the experience focuses on discovering her history little by little, both past and present. We will achieve this by simply playing the game and going through its moderately punishing experience, which will not be as challenging as other titles, but which knows how to make us fall to repeat our dreams over and over again. This will take place in two worlds: day and night, with the former being where we interact with other characters, and the latter being where all the action takes place, and where Cassidy’s imagination will run wild.

They say that everything enters us first through the eyes, rather than through the mouth or the heart… or in this case the controller, and in this game, you can’t fight against that logic as its beautiful art design undeniably grips players, making them want to play again and again. The visual design has a beautiful style that makes every level, character and enemy look like something out of an oil painting.

The sound design features simple effects and a very nice soundtrack, which gets epically pretty every time a fight starts, although unfortunately there is no voice acting during conversations, which are simply summed up in text that will appear floating above the characters’ heads.

To begin with, the experience will take place in two worlds: the dream world and the real world. The first is where all the action of the game takes place, expanding over 6 procedurally generated levels which will confront us with an interesting variety of generic looking enemies, along with some final bosses that offer a pretty decent challenge, and after defeating them for the first time, we can choose to skip them or not in future playthroughs. In addition, we will be able to get and equip ourselves with better loot by finding treasures. There are even shops in which we will be able to buy loot by using the sand that we get by defeating enemies or by destroying stones, accessing healing areas and even solving different puzzles that, when completed, will allow us to get better quality loot. Although this loot will give us access to better dodges, active skills, shields and armour, it’s in the weaponry where it stands out the most. This is not only thanks to the fact that we will have a wide variety of weapons to obtain and unlock, such as swords, maces, whips, bows, hand guns, earthbending, flamethrowers and more, but also because each one has a specific set of animations, allowing each of them to have their own personality and style, which undoubtedly helps to give a certain variety to the gameplay.

The conclusion of this review is that dreams are powerful weapons: they can help us to project a future, to propel us forward and even to remember, in a bittersweet way, a moment we have had with someone who is no longer with us. This, of course, would be nothing without the effort and determination of each one of us to not only achieve our dreams, but also to overcome all the personal barriers that, in the form of fears, insecurities and traumas, may prevent us from reaching our desired goals in life.

Dreamscaper has it clear and that’s why it allows us to help its interesting protagonist to fight to the end to overcome her fears with the help of a fun and easy to understand gameplay. It will grab us from the very first moment and will not let go until we are sure that Cassidy is free from the mental chains that imprison her. This is a must for roguelite fans and is recommended to anyone with even a mild interest in the genre.

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