Dreamscaper – UnrealVR

Get Dreamscaper on Steam ➜ https://playnow.tm/dreamscaper/356

Device: Meta Quest 2 via CableLink 3kx3k 90hz
Controls: PS5 DualSense
PC: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X + 4090 + 64GB RAM –
Injection: OpenVR Native Stereo and Skip Draw
UE 4.25.0

Works perfectly, nice as well to have a combination of the default view, decoupled pitch but still pretty wide overview, then a view which is a bit more third person. Didn’t notice any issues with UI or menus, and all shaders looked very nice. The game is kind of a Binding of Issac style action game.

Did notice when playing this that when switching between camera setups and saving different versions of them that it was very easy to navigate over to the uncap framerate button by mistake.

I think what would be cool would LT+dpad to select save states, and maybe LT+corresponding facebutton to save to that camera offset in the same position. Like LT+B to save a camera state and LT+right dpad to recall that.


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