Let's play Dreamscaper! Just starting out!

Get Dreamscaper on Steam ➜ https://playnow.tm/dreamscaper/356

This is me playing Dreamscaper on stream. I’ve streamed this game when it launched into Early Access and I was waiting for it to fullu realese to go back to it.
They’ve made some very good quality of life choices and listened to the feedback from their community but I still have some gripes with the clunkyness of dodges and the overall poor visibility some lucid attacks create.

You can find me live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mintmenthanym
Or catch me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/menthanym

Steam description: Dreamscaper is an endlessly replayable Action Roguelike with a waking/dreaming gameplay cycle. By night, delve deep into your subconscious, facing nightmares in an ever-changing world filled with unique items, abilities, and challenges. By day, explore the city of Redhaven, build relationships and unlock permanent upgrades in order to take on the next dream stronger than ever.

Dreamscaper on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040420/Dreamscaper/

Backseat gaming and criticism are always welcomed 🙂


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