Dreamscaper (Switch) – Quick Review

Get Dreamscaper on Steam ➜ https://playnow.tm/dreamscaper/356

*Review code provided by Developer Afterburner Studios

Depression is a bitch to deal with, so what happens when those nightmares come to life? A woman by the name of Cassidy must dive into her own dream world to combat the literal demons in her head, all as she tries to get over a tragedy in her life that holds her back. In this rogue-like similar to Hades and Undertale, Cassidy must harness the power of her artwork, meditation, her friends, and various other tools in order to finally cross the next steps to finally get on the road to recovery. But can she succeed? And is the game worth playing? Time to find out!

Also a bit of a disclaimer: I worked on this video while I have been nearly bedridden with stomach issues. This is why the review took so long. That and still waiting for a proper thumbnail and not using Death 13 from JoJos as a stand-in; that wasn’t intentional I swear.


2 thoughts on “Dreamscaper (Switch) – Quick Review”

  1. Great thing about the Switch in my opinion like all Handheld make the barely any free time issue moot (seeing how I can play it anywhere! Happy more "long term investing" games are popping up on the switch). I leave the "better framerate ETC" games on the PS4 (as thankfully those are the "pick up and play" types I don't have to require a shit ton of free time to get to deep into! where Switch I can play wherever I am!

    And yeah I feel for you! My PS4 had a brainfart the other day and I went as far as Initializing it to deal with the issue….guess what, it turned out the fan needed cleaning! Meaning all my progress in games like Borderlands 3 and RPG LIKE SMT where I had hours of progress…all gone! At least the systems "clean" in more ways than one. But I'm feeling real bitter right now to say the least that I didn't invest in a 256 GB USB for my saves sooner! Thank God I didn't buy games like DISGAEA on the PS4. That would have been horrifying seeing how much progress I've made in the SWITCH VERSIONS! But hey at least I can replay the games again AND now that I know the plots, I can speed run to my former progress again! (FUCK Sony for requiring a fee to digitally back up saves! Why couldn't they just let you save GAME SAVES for free and everything else has the fee at least!)


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