Dreamscaper OST: Hometown (complete version mix)

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I played this game since it’s available on Xbox Gamepass & I am loving the soundtrack. This is a roguelike game where you’re just trying to delve deep into your lucid dream so you can overcome your mental trauma, and like any rougelikes, it’s a hard game which takes getting used to & a lot of deaths before you get better.

The neat part about the songs in each stages is there’s 2 versions, the calm & battle version that changes whether you’re in or out of combat. Here’s just a little example of the first stage’s theme which I combine to make it more complete. Enjoy! 😉

I definitely recommend you guys listen to the entire soundtrack by the great Dale North right here:


Man’s got great songs he worked on, including Astral Ascent which I found out recently as I was searching on which other games he worked on.

#dreamscaper #music #roguelike


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