Dreamscaper Nintendo Switch Review!

Get Dreamscaper on Steam ➜ https://playnow.tm/dreamscaper/356

Here’s a belated review of the HADES and Binding of Isaac inspired Dreamscaper on Nintendo Switch. A rogue like that has all the ingredients to be something special, but do they all come together? Let’s find out! #Dreamscaper #Switch #Review

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Mark & Glen

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47 thoughts on “Dreamscaper Nintendo Switch Review!”

  1. Hey SwitchUp Family! Here’s our belated review of the Hades and Binding of Isaac like – Dreamscaper. Hopefully you’ll still enjoy it even though it’s a tad belated! If you do – leave a like (that’s what all the Youtube people say right? I’m getting the hang of this malarkey). Seeeeya! Mark

  2. I'll be glad when this Rogue like BS is a fading memory. How about Badass-Like? "We've removed the quick time events from God of War, salted in enough blood and guts to give your mother nightmares, and the guns and chainsaws have unlimited ammo while you plow through everything and everyone that ever pissed you off!" That's a game I could get behind, because when I hear Rogue Like I look for anything else BUT that game!

  3. Big Hades fan. So I was excited for this one. Didn’t have the best start with it as I was figuring out the flow of battle. I did fall into a groove with it. But just as I was getting the hang of things, the game crashed. Took a break from it for a couple of days and now I’m having a much better time.

  4. The visuals make me think of the gothic horror style that Koudelka had. That was definitely a diamond in the rough for sure when i played it back on ps1. Looks pretty solid. Thanks for the info!

  5. I tried this game for a little hour, but just couldn't get into it. It looks like a PS2 game, and … I don't know, it just wasn't captivating at all, in my opinion. But! I'll pick it up again just because you guys like it – you usually know your stuff. 🙂

  6. Very cool! I don't really enjoy the story focus as I always get stuck in these roguelites haha. Still miss that they don't have a unlock all option in Binding of Isaac :p but nevertheless, this game looks gorgeous and the story looks captivating.

    To the wishlist!

    Thanks as always lads!

  7. I got this game a couple of weeks ago and have loved playing it on the switch when I am out and about. My only big gripe is how small the text is, specially when you enter a challenge room and it is at the bottom in white, so many times you go into the fight having no idea what the task is to get a chest of goodies. (I always assume it is a combo of 'don't dodge, don't take damage, only use melee', which seems to cover a lot of bases)

  8. I absolutely loved the game, well worth the 15 euros I spent for it. I beat True Loss yesterday night. I have no criticisms for the game on the Switch, bar one: getting a build going feels more like chasing numbers and percentages as stats on your gear, rather than meaningfully shaping and altering your gameplay experience. A magic build in Skul or a Spear build in Hades feel very different than a physical build or a Shield build respectively. In Dreamscaper, a crit build and a poison build kinda feel the same. The only thing that changes is the source of the damage, but the core of the gameplay remains the same. Still, an incredible game for the price tag. 8/10 for me.

  9. I was hoping this was going to get a review I did add it to my wish list because I liked how unusual it looked will be picking this one up hopefully soon but then my birthdays coming up at the beginning of November so may see if one of my brothers fancy’s getting me a treat seeing as I’ll be the big 3-0

  10. Bought this upon release, because I was too damn impatient to wait for your review. I was sure I would have liked it, given that I loved Hades and Curse of the Old Gods to the bone, and that I'm a sucker for that Ashen-like visual style, but I didn't click with it at all. I finished my first full run yesterday and it all felt so forgettable: the enemy rooster, the story, the environments. I can't point my finger on any damning flaw — it's just a looming sense of "meh, next please".

  11. Once again you guys have introduced me to an awesome looking game I may never have found on my own! You immediately hooked me with the Binding of Issac meets Hades description as I've platinumed BoI on PS4 and own Hades on both Switch and PS4. Cheers as ever for the highly informative and succinct video!


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